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Recall a time in the past day or so when something upset you.

Was it something you saw?

Something you remembered? 


What sensations showed up in your body?


The body corroborates the mind's make-belief; implication being - when we think we're being "thrown under the bus," our bodies brace for impact. 

Mood swings and other symptoms like lower back pain, insomnia, and migraines are observable outcomes of unknowingly participating in this process of exhaustion. Over the long term, adverse physiological conditions become diagnosable.


The good news: You can cultivate ease in your body by learning to observe and overwrite trained reflexes. In doing so, you will not only promote self-healing but create conditions for growth, self-actualization and deep connection to others. 


I can show you how.

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Let's begin.

Unlike money in a retirement account, the loops of your thoughts-feelings-actions compound reliably and continuously.


You will not accidentally wake up one day the person you've always wanted to be.  That practice begins today.

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